Welcome on my homepage!
My name is László Kiss.
There are pictures of me
here.I'm a 22 year old boy. I was studing for computer programmer on Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest I've finished the first two years, but now I had some problems with it, I'll continue it in February of 1997. I'm a bit pesimistic about it, to tell the truth I'm ususally feel like this.
I love to use the wordprocessor. It's usually the
Microsoft® Word. I know this is not a perfect program, but I can solve most of the probelms I want to do with it (except my problems in my private life). Can I help you?I'm living in Martonvásár (Hungary). My favorite thing to do is doing something with the computer, but I like to listen to music - especially classical -, going to the cinema or to the theatre, riding bike, and talking with my friends as well.
I love to get postcards. I've more than 100 on my wall in my room. Please send me one here.