
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Name: László Kiss

Date of Birth: March 1974

Permanent address: 6100 Kiskunfélegyháza

Domicile: 2462 Martonvásár

Marital status: Single

Current qualification

Computer Programmer


1999 – Computer Program Engineer studies at
Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences
Budapest, Hungary

1992 – 1999 Computer Programming studies at
Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences
Budapest, Hungary

1988 – 1992 Grammar School named Móra Ferenc at
Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary
in specialised class in English

1980 – 1988 Primary School named Petőfi Sándor at
Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary


1991 State Exam in English at an intermediate level

Other Information

1991 Driving licence, Category “B”

Work Experience

1997 – Cardinal Ltd, a software development company specialised in Home-banking and in character-recognition, form-processing, paper archiving, Hungary

Position: Programmer

Tasks: Maintenance of our character recognition aided form-processing and image archiving system, including planning, developing, correcting mistakes, updating, installing, parametering, full time supporting via phone and personally, contacting customers.

Data storage based on SGML

Developing the new version in the own case-system of the company

Tools: Borland C-builder, Designer for SGML-CASE

Description: Tasks carried out for several banks in Hungary and Prague:

Making Programs always starts with surveying the customers’ expectations.
The system is created to fit all these requests.
I participate in the whole work-process from the base system up to the customer specific parts. Including planing, developing, installing, detecting mistakes and correcting them. Updating for further requests. Supporting, advising and teaching customers.
The new system is developed in SGML-CASE.
In older system updating the source by new requests in not own C program-code.

Partners: ING Bank Hungary, Hungarian State Treasury, Commerzbank Hungary, ABN Amro Bank Hungary, Hungarian Office of National Security, Procter & Gamble Hungary, Czeska Poritelna, AB-AEGON, Winterthur, Merkantil Bank

1995 – 1996 MIK - Technical Centre for Studying of Foreign Languages (For society of four technical college of Budapest)

Position: Technician

Tasks: Maintenance of the computer labour with their special language learner software, planning the labour development, competing, teaching the software

1993-1994 BME-VSZK Technical University of Budapest

Position: Operator

Tasks: Maintenance of PC labs in network, supporting students, user administration

International Experience

Demonstrations and Installations of our software at Prague

Programming Languages

C 4 years

Assembly 6 months

Modula-2 6 months

ADA 6 months

GENT 2 years

(Own case language of my current company)


Work experience with DOS, WIN 3.1, WIN95, UNIX, WIN NT, NOVELL, VMS, IBM-CP


Work experience with Microsoft Office

Work experience with Borland C-builder

Work experience with SGML-CASE Designer


Operator and user-level network experiences on WIN95 and WIN NT

User-level network experiences on NOVELL 3.x, UNIX, VAX, IBM-CP

Future Plans

In the future I would like to work as a program-developer, maintenance and support for own developed, discussed, planned programs through a whole project.

I’m especially interested in maintenance, and developing of bigger systems, or synchronise, maintain more system at a time.


Visiting the theatre, the cinema, riding bicycle, swimming